Asking for Feedback

A guide on how to ask for feedback effectively.
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Preparing the Request

    • Think about what you want to know with this feedback. Are you looking for something specific or a broader viewpoint?
    • Get people who are references to the subjects you are looking to get feedback on, because these people will have more maturity and knowledge to give you rich and complete information.
    • Ideally, send it by writing in a channel they won't lose track of it. E.g.: email is easier to keep track of than messaging apps.
    • Bring it up when you make the request.

Planning the Session

    • It avoids you forget something important, and come back feeling like you didn’t get everything you needed.
    • Consult with them to figure out the best date and time for you both. Ideally, let them read your requested list, and then ask how much time they need to be prepared.
    • Based on the timeframe you both agreed upon.