Always deliver your very best, always check

We created this collaborative space for sharing checklists that help ensure software quality, guide you through crisis and other helpful stuff for devs ;-)
checklist board

Product Metrics

All the learning of a team doing A/B tests on one checklist.
Landing pages are usually detached from the original flow of your homepage and have a very specific point to make. This checklist helps remembering that and eventual ramifications when creating your own.


A guide on how to ask for feedback effectively.
A guide on how to give feedback effectively through preparation, execution, and follow-up.
A guide on how to receive feedback effectively through preparation, execution, and follow-up.

Project Management

Checklist on how to best describe a bug so the person correcting loses little time trying to understand it and focuses on how to fix it.
Useful checklist for dealing with recovery crisis. Based on the talk "Saving Great Projects" 2017 Python Brasil.
Checklist for everything that needs to be described and linked whenever a developer creates a new feature card on Trello so other people (or the same dev in the future) can understand the whole feature quicker.
Developing a feature is much more than just coding it what was specified. This checklist covers other points that are important for code quality and a smoother hand-off.
General guidelines on how to build awesome SaaS user documentation!


Useful checklist for building great Celery tasks.
A Django specific production checklist used at Vinta before launching projects we've been working on.
Useful checklist for building good Python library APIs, based on "How to make a good library API" PyCon 2017 talk.


A step by step for designers to define a feature's architecture and user journeys.
Useful for designers, project managers and product owners, to understand if a feature needs a design cycle and how complex it is.
A guide for designers to make sure they understand the PO’s vision and goals for a feature.
A step-by-step guide to help designers run a quick UX test with people around the office.
A guide to build and run a moderated usability test with remote participants.
Aline Silveira
Aline Silveira
A step-by-step guide to make sure the software shipped to production is consistent with design specs.
Before handing off design specs to the engineering team, check if your interface is visually consistent.
Before handing off design specs to development, check if you’re considering all the necessary viewports and breaking points.
A guide to help designers and developers understand the viability of a design solution.
A guide to build and run an umoderated usability test with remote participants.


JSON: API Specification Checklist
A checklist we use here at Vinta before launching a product we've been working on.
A checklist we use here at Vinta to ensure high quality software at scale
The Web Quality Checklist is intended for all professionals who create websites. It is designed in a collaborative way by a community of Web professionals led by the French company Opquast. The checklist is released under the CC-BY-SA Licence.

Agile Processes

Set of guidelines for PR reviewers to guarantee a more civilized approach and avoid creating a toxic feedback culture.
Do's and Don'ts for Pull Requests. Improve code quality and review speed.
Here is what the Vinta managers need to pay attention when they are running a sprint meeting. Not all of these points to be discussed every time, but they need to be clarified whenever necessary.
Checklist to avoid wasting time in meetings, focusing them on sharing knowledge, instead of updates.