We created this collaborative space for sharing checklists that help ensure software quality, guide you through crisis and other helpful stuff for devs ;-)
Landing pages are usually detached from the original flow of your homepage and have a very specific point to make. This checklist helps remembering that and eventual ramifications when creating your own.
Checklist for everything that needs to be described and linked whenever a developer creates a new feature card on Trello so other people (or the same dev in the future) can understand the whole feature quicker.
Developing a feature is much more than just coding it what was specified. This checklist covers other points that are important for code quality and a smoother hand-off.
The Web Quality Checklist is intended for all professionals who create websites. It is designed in a collaborative way by a community of Web professionals led by the French company Opquast. The checklist is released under the CC-BY-SA Licence.
Here is what the Vinta managers need to pay attention when they are running a sprint meeting. Not all of these points to be discussed every time, but they need to be clarified whenever necessary.