Tag quality-assurance

Checklist on how to best describe a bug so the person correcting loses little time trying to understand it and focuses on how to fix it.
Aline Silveira
Aline Silveira
A step-by-step guide to make sure the software shipped to production is consistent with design specs.
A Django specific production checklist used at Vinta before launching projects we've been working on.
Developing a feature is much more than just coding it what was specified. This checklist covers other points that are important for code quality and a smoother hand-off.
A checklist we use here at Vinta before launching a product we've been working on.
Do's and Don'ts for Pull Requests. Improve code quality and review speed.
The Web Quality Checklist is intended for all professionals who create websites. It is designed in a collaborative way by a community of Web professionals led by the French company Opquast. The checklist is released under the CC-BY-SA Licence.
The Web Quality Checklist is intended for all professionals who create websites. It is designed in a collaborative way by a community of Web professionals led by the French company Opquast. The checklist is released under the CC-BY-SA Licence.