Tag development-workflow

Checklist on how to best describe a bug so the person correcting loses little time trying to understand it and focuses on how to fix it.
Useful for designers, project managers and product owners, to understand if a feature needs a design cycle and how complex it is.
Aline Silveira
Aline Silveira
A step-by-step guide to make sure the software shipped to production is consistent with design specs.
Before handing off design specs to the engineering team, check if your interface is visually consistent.
Before handing off design specs to development, check if you’re considering all the necessary viewports and breaking points.
A guide to help designers and developers understand the viability of a design solution.
Checklist for everything that needs to be described and linked whenever a developer creates a new feature card on Trello so other people (or the same dev in the future) can understand the whole feature quicker.
Developing a feature is much more than just coding it what was specified. This checklist covers other points that are important for code quality and a smoother hand-off.
Set of guidelines for PR reviewers to guarantee a more civilized approach and avoid creating a toxic feedback culture.
Do's and Don'ts for Pull Requests. Improve code quality and review speed.
Here is what the Vinta managers need to pay attention when they are running a sprint meeting. Not all of these points to be discussed every time, but they need to be clarified whenever necessary.
A checklist we use here at Vinta to ensure high quality software at scale