Tag good-practices

A step by step for designers to define a feature's architecture and user journeys.
Useful for designers, project managers and product owners, to understand if a feature needs a design cycle and how complex it is.
Before handing off design specs to development, check if you’re considering all the necessary viewports and breaking points.
A Django specific production checklist used at Vinta before launching projects we've been working on.
Landing pages are usually detached from the original flow of your homepage and have a very specific point to make. This checklist helps remembering that and eventual ramifications when creating your own.
General guidelines on how to build awesome SaaS user documentation!
A checklist we use here at Vinta to ensure high quality software at scale
The Web Quality Checklist is intended for all professionals who create websites. It is designed in a collaborative way by a community of Web professionals led by the French company Opquast. The checklist is released under the CC-BY-SA Licence.
The Web Quality Checklist is intended for all professionals who create websites. It is designed in a collaborative way by a community of Web professionals led by the French company Opquast. The checklist is released under the CC-BY-SA Licence.