Receiving Feedback

A guide on how to receive feedback effectively through preparation, execution, and follow-up.
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    • It’s not the giver’s role to say what you want to hear, but offer you a different perspective other than your own.


    • It requires you as the listener to fully concentrate, understand, and then remember what is being said.
    • Eye contact, nodding your head, and saying small things like "I see", "I hear you", "Yep", or even "Hmm" are indicators that you are following the conversation.
    • Try to absorb, understand, and reflect upon it. Sometimes, after a while, something that didn’t make sense then, makes sense now. Take your time!
    • One of the key goals of receiving feedback is to become aware of something you didn’t notice by yourself because of your own blind spots.
    • You may be surprised, but don’t be reactive.
    • You may not have asked for it, but still may be useful.
    • Even if you realize it doesn’t make sense to you, you still got the opportunity to consider something otherwise you probably wouldn’t have thought about.


    • You are not bound to act on every feedback you get. You are allowed to drop it if it doesn’t make sense for you.
    • Don’t try to tackle everything at once, nobody expects you to be perfect.